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Smart tips for solo travel

Solo Travel

Solo Travel

There is something wonderful about taking the people you love traveling with you. Experiencing delicious meals together, uncovering secret covers that aren’t covered by any of the tourist books. Most of all, though, you have someone to rely on with you at all times. A friend to confide in, a partner to laugh with. Yet, solo travel is becoming more popular and we will be discussing the tips for solo travel below. 

Here are some fast facts about solo travel in recent years. 

More women are interested in solo travel than men, which translates to 9 million American women heading overseas alone. 

Europe is the most coveted solo travel destination. 

Yahoo! Reports that 30% note it’s a chance to relax and unwind,” as they can travel at their own pace is the main reason for traveling alone.

When traveling alone for the first time, it can feel very overwhelming. For most of us, we are used to being with other people and our home environment. When you solo travel, you are taken away from both of those things, and it can take a short while to settle in before you find your stride. 

Why should you travel alone?

For many people even the idea of eating alone in a restaurant makes them feel alone, or anxious. Solo travel can have the same impact – but just on a much bigger scale. Having someone with you makes you feel like you aren’t alone at all, and you have someone to talk to. 

But sometimes the biggest growth that we go through is when we are alone. You have time to just be, think, and do the things that really make you happy. 

When you are solo traveling you don’t need to wait on other people to be ready or to decide where they want to go. If you decide you want to have Sushi and read a book for a few hours, or skip dinner and watch a movie in your room, or sit beachside for a few hours – you can. 

You will talk to more people than usual. When you are with friends and family you tend to talk to fewer people, simply because you have a company already. Your time is consumed by talking to people you already know. You’re there with them after all. But when you are alone, you will meet more locals, and maybe other travelers too. 
You can learn how you actually enjoy traveling. You might be a faster-paced more immersive traveler than your friends, or you might be the total opposite. When you travel alone you get to explore how you want to travel and what makes you happy – getting the most from the experience.

Here are some smart tips for solo travel

If you are ready to head out on a big adventure, then here are some tips for solo travel that will help you to get the most out of your trip. 

Take Your Time

Before you jump into booking something, take some time to research all of the different possibilities. By taking your time you can better understand more about the customs of a country and make sure that it fits with how you wish you travel. Find some inspiration online by reading reviews on travel blogs, Instagram, and more. 

First Night

The first night is usually one that is unsettling. So try to plan something in the hotel restaurant like a meal, or an activity if they have some. It is better to arrive either in the morning or at least by early evening so that you aren’t trying to get a taxi in an unfamiliar place on your first evening. This will allow you to get used to your surroundings, and if you don’t like the hotel you can spend your early evening looking for alternatives. 

Essentials Only to carry during solo travel

Not only does packing light save you money, but it makes the process easier for you too. Carrying a single rucksack or light case on wheels is much easier when you are solo. There are a few things that you should pack doubles of just in case you lose them. Pack extra hairbands, bandaids, copies of important documents, contact lenses, and check this shop to get some extra glasses too. 

Your wardrobe should be as basic as possible. Similar to building a capsule wardrobe, choose a base color and build a few outfits from there. You will need to choose outerwear based on where you are visiting. When choosing your base color opt for black, brown, or navy. They are easy to build from. Check out my packing list blogs posts for extra tips for solo travel!

Hidden Details

Although you should be sure to share where you will be staying with trusted friends and relatives, if you are in general conversation when traveling – keep your accommodation location to yourself. This should be a safe haven while you are traveling. Somewhere that is safe and private. You can be vague and give the general location, but you don’t need to give more than that. 

Don’t Stray too Far

You will get a much more immersive experience when you stay in the local area. Day trips and tours are great, provided you go with a reputable company. But to really understand the culture and get the best of the people then stay local. Buy local crafts, eat the local street food, and try to you can even go to the same place each morning for breakfast or at least a coffee. Making local links can give you more comfort and you might even choose to go back again soon after leaving. 

Emergency Contact List

Every traveler should have an emergency contact list within their mobile phone, but also written down and stored too. This should be a list of people who have your travel itinerary and can help should you need them too. 

You should also have an emergency contact list including your credit card company, bank, insurance, and the applicable embassy for you. This will help you should you need it. 


Once you have chosen a location to head to, start to learn about the local customs and some of the language too. The customs are important so that you can be sure that you don’t offend any of the locals, and so that you have a clear understanding of what is the law and what is frowned upon. In some countries the law is very strict and breaking them can have some serious consequences for travelers. 

How do you deal with loneliness when undertaking solo travel?

Loneliness is one of the biggest things that people deal with when they travel alone. And the first time you might feel lonely from time to time. We are so used to being with people all the time, not everyone is comfortable in their own company for very long. 

In order to tackle the loneliness when and if it creeps in the best things that you can do:

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